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At Beyond the Mirror Counseling & Wellness, we believe in the power of reflection—both for ourselves and others. The text of our logo, which resembles "Be the Mirror," serves as a reminder of the importance of embodying the values and changes we wish to see in the world. By reflecting compassion, self-awareness, and growth, we create a space where healing can flourish. As we support individuals, families, and communities on their mental health journey, we encourage each person to be their own mirror, cultivating positive change from within and fostering a ripple effect that touches the lives of those around them. The Image we chose to express this is an African symbol, Asase Ye Duru. 

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Asase Ye Duru

At Beyond the Mirror Counseling & Wellness, our mission is deeply rooted in the power of reflection—both within ourselves and in our interactions with others. Our logo, inspired by the African symbol *Asase Ye Duru*—which means "The Earth Has Weight"—embodies this commitment. This symbol, representing the profound strength and nurturing role of the Earth, aligns with our belief in the importance of reflecting and embracing the values we wish to see in the world. By integrating the essence of *Asase Ye Duru*, we honor the connection between personal growth and broader societal change. We strive to empower individuals to embody the changes they seek, fostering a ripple effect of positive transformation and self-awareness. This reflection and celebration of inner and outer strength are central to our holistic approach, ensuring that every step taken towards personal and collective healing is both meaningful and impactful.


The African symbol Asase Ye Duru is a significant emblem from the Akan people of Ghana. Its name translates to "The Earth Has Weight" or "The Earth is Heavy." This symbol reflects the Akan belief in the profound importance of the earth and its role in life.

In Akan culture, Asase Ye Duru represents the Earth goddess, who is considered a source of fertility, sustenance, and stability. The symbol embodies respect for the Earth as a life-giving force and acknowledges its strength and power. It is often associated with themes of grounding, nurturing, and the deep connection between people and the natural world. This symbol underscores the importance of maintaining harmony with nature and honoring the fundamental role of the earth in sustaining life.


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